
We are Cathy and Kristi, two gals who met while serving on the street team of a popular author.  We quickly became friends who share common interests.  We enjoy reading and sharing our opinions (good and bad) with everyone we know.  Our blog is a place for us to share our love of books with everyone.  Sometimes we will be reviewing the same book and other times reviewing different books.  Check in often to see what we are reading!

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Kristi is my niece and she has shared names of authors of whom she loves to read their books. I thank her so much for this. I also love to read and I read lots of the Amish stories. I think Debbie Macomber is my favorite author. I have also read all of Robert B Parker’s books as well as most of Jeanette Oke;s books.


  2. Hello to Kristi and Cathy. I have signed up to become a follower and learned about you from Cheryl Baranski’s blog promotion. Your site looks wonderful and I look forward to retuning for more visits as both an author and an avid reader.


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